The limestone of the Burren is packed with fossils. It is reasonable to say it is made of fossils. A lot of the time we don’t see them because the …

Our coastal cliffs form a line of defence against a constant marine onslaught. From Black Head to Doolin the Burren limestone meets the sea and from Doolin and the Cliffs …

When we talk about Climate Change what we are really talking about is Anthropogenic Climate Change, that is, the effect human activities are having on global climate. The increased levels …

There are three main rock types; Igneous rocks which are formed from molten magma from the Earth’s interior that has cooled, Sedimentary rocks which are formed from particles (sediments); bits …

The spectacular end of most dinosaurs around 65 million years ago due to the impact of a large asteroid is now widely accepted by scientists and even a possible site …

A notable feature of the exposed rock of the Burren are the large boulders that sit on top of the limestone. Some of the best examples are seen along the …

Sitting on top of Slieve Elva at an elevation of almost 330m is a tiny pond of water called Lough Garrig. Only a couple of metres across, it is barely …

FRESH water is vital for life, and our position in the solar system means that our planet has plenty of the good stuff. Fresh water has played a huge role …

Justifiably famous for their elegant patterns, Moher flags have been quarried along the west coast of Clare for centuries. The thin, rigid slabs were ideal for roofing in times past but …